Samer Abualhanud wins Robotics Talents Competition 2025

Samer Abualhanud (centre) with Lower Saxony State Secretary Frank Doods (left) and Jury Member Prof. Tobias Ortmaier (right).

Samer Abualhanud, M.Sc., from the Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation (IPI), Leibniz Universität Hannover, has won the Robotics Talents Competition 2025 of the Lower Saxony State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Traffic, Building and Digitalisation, carrying 2.500,- €, in the category Master for his master’s thesis, entitled „3D Occupancy Prediction from Multi-View 2D Surround Images “, and supervised by Dr.-Ing. Max Mehltretter (IPI) in cooperation with Robert Bosch GmbH. He had submitted the thesis in April 2024. Since then, he is a PhD candidate at IPI. The awards ceremony took place on February 12, 2025, during the 14. Robotics Congress held at the Hannover Fair.