DFG Research Training Group 2159 - Integrity and Collaboration in Dynamic Sensor Networks (i.c.sens) News and Events News from the Faculty
Opening of the new DLR Institut für Sa­tel­li­ten­geo­dä­sie und In­er­ti­al­sen­so­rik

Opening of the new DLR Institut für Sa­tel­li­ten­geo­dä­sie und In­er­ti­al­sen­so­rik

In an online event, the new DLR Institut für Satellitengeodäsie und Intertialsensorik officially started its work on Monday, May 31, 2021. The institute will house seven departments in two buildings currently still under construction and will employ 120 researchers. In close cooperation with Leibniz Universität Hannover, the new institute will research the use of quantum technologies and quantum sensors as well as new quantum measurement techniques for innovative applications, such as gravimetric Earth observation and the establishment of novel geodetic reference systems. Geodesy is represented by its own department, which closely cooperates with the Institut für Erdmessung.

For more information please see the DLR press release and the website of the CRC 1464 (TerraQ).