23 Aug
23. Aug. 2023 | 09:00 - 10:00
Guest Lecture

Interval methods for the detection and the capture of intruders using autonomous robots

The talk is motivated by the detection of submarine intruders inside the Bay of Biscay (golfe de Gascogne). In this project, we consider a group of underwater robots that are able to localize with a given accuracy using a state observer. We assume that each robot is able to detect any intruder inside a disk of a known radius. Moreover, the speed of the intruders is assumed to be bounded and is small with respect to that of our robots. The goal of this project is twofold: 
(1) to characterize a set for which we can guarantee that there is no intruder (this corresponds to the secure zone) 
(2) to find a control strategy for the group of robots in order to extend the secure zone as much as possible.
We will see how interval analysis can be used to compute efficiently the sets of interest


Prof. Luc Jaulin
Lab-STICC, ENSTA-Bretagne

Event organiser/s

RTG i.c.sens


23. Aug. 2023
09:00 - 10:00

Contact information

RTG i.c.sens


Schneiderberg 50
Room: 411