Prof. Dr. Jianbing Chen
Dept. of Structural Eng., School of Civil Engineering
International Joint Research Center for Engineering Reliability and Stochastic Mechanics (ERSM)
Tongji University, China
Friday, January 25, 2018, 13:00
Room 116, Institute for Risk and Reliability, LUH
Uncertainty Quantification, Stochastic Response and Reliability of Engineering Structures subjected to Disastrous Dynamic Actions
Under disastrous dynamic actions such as strong earthquakes, strong wind and huge sea waves, the performance and safety of engineering structures are of paramount importance. In this scenario, the structures usually exhibit strong nonlinear behaviors, and simultaneously, there are large degree of randomness in both structural properties and disastrous dynamic excitations. Such coupling of nonlinearity and randomness leads to great challenges in the analysis of real-world structures. To this end, in the past over 10 years, we developed a family of probability density evolution method (PDEM), where the principle of preservation of probability is advocated as a basis of stochastic dynamics, and the physical mechanism/physical equations are incorporated into the random event description of this principle, leading to the generalized density evolution equation. In contrast to the traditional equations (e.g., FPK equation), this equation in a one-dimensional equation and therefore can be applied to complex systems. Numerical methods were developed. Further, combined with the stochastic damage constitutive law of concrete, we implemented the stochastic seismic response and reliability evaluation of real-world complex engineering structures. In addition, combined with the change of probability measure, a probabilistically logic consistent framework for the quantification of simultaneous aleatory and epistemic uncertainties was established very recently. Some engineering applications will be illustrated.
Jianbing Chen is currently a full professor on the faculty at Tongji University in the School of Civil Engineering & State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering. Dr. Chen received a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Tongji University, China in 2002. He has been a visiting scholar/visiting professor in the University of Southern California in USA (2006-2007), Aalborg University in Denmark (2012), and Vienne University of Technology in Austria (2014).
He specializes in the area of earthquake engineering, stochastic dynamics and structural reliability. Specifically, he is working on the development of probability density evolution method (PDEM) for performance evaluation and reliability assessment of structures/engineering systems involving randomness both in the system properties and excitations. Dr. Chen is the co-author of an English book titled “Stochastic Dynamics of Structures” (John Wiley & Sons, 2009), the co-author of 3 Chinese books and over 120 peer-reviewed journal papers, in the fields of structural stochastic analysis and reliability theory. He was selected into the “NCET Plan” of Ministry of Education of China in 2007, received the Huo Ying Dong prize in 2012, “National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers” of China in 2014, the second-class National Natural Science Award of China in 2016 (2nd achiever), the Young Achievement Award of the International Association for Structural Safety and Reliability in 2017, and was granted by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in China.
He now also serves as a member of the Joint Committee on Structural Safety (JCSS), Chairman of the Random Vibration Committee of the Chinese Society of Vibration Engineering (CSVE), Chairman of the Vibration Mechanics Committee of the Shanghai Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CSTAM), and Associate Editor of the journal Structure and Infrastructure Engineering.