DFG Research Training Group 2159 - Integrity and Collaboration in Dynamic Sensor Networks (i.c.sens) News and Events News from the Faculty
Great IPI success at the ISPRS Symposium of Commission V: Best Paper Award for Christian Heipke and Best Presentation Award for Jojene R. Santillan

Great IPI success at the ISPRS Symposium of Commission V: Best Paper Award for Christian Heipke and Best Presentation Award for Jojene R. Santillan

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Dr. Gay Jane Perez, ISPRS Commission V President Prof. Lena Halounová, ISPRS President, Christian Heipke (left photo) res. Jojene R. Santillan (right photo), a member of the National Mapping and Resource Authority, Dr. Joel S. Marciano Jr., General director of the Philippine Space Agency (from left to right)

Members of the Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation (IPI) successfully participated at the ISPRS Midterm Symposium of the Commission V "Education and Outreach", held in Manila in August 2024: For his paper entitled Studying Geodesy and Geoinformatics - a German university perspective, co-authored by Prof. Steffen Schön, Prof Christian Heipke was honoured with the Best Paper Award, while Jojene R. Santillan, M.Sc., who is a PhD candidate at IPI, received the Best Presentation Award for his paper Visualising the Philippines' SDG 11.3.1 Status and Progress Using Open-Source Geospatial Software and Earth Observation Datasets.