Eurosteeel 2023: Charles Massonnet Award for Peter Schaumann

© P. Schaumann
Peter Schaumann with Véronique Dehan (Secretary General of ECCS, left) and Annamarie Hagoort (President of ECCS, right).
© P. Schaumann

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Schaumann was honoured with the "Charles Massonnet Award" of the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork. The award ceremony took place during the conference "Eurosteel 2023" in Amsterdam.

Since 1998, the ECCS has presented the "Charles Massonnet Award" to outstanding researchers who highly contributed to the advancement of scientific and technical support to constructional steelwork, and who had worked or is working in a Technical Committee of ECCS. The Charles Massonnet Award is presented every year by an ECCS member association.  

Peter Schaumann assumed the professorship of structural steel engineering and head of the Institute of Structural Steel Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy in 1996. He focused his research on fire protection and support structures for wind turbines. In September 2022, Schaumann handed over the institute's leadership to his successor, Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Elyas Ghafoori.

Elyas Ghafoori and several members of the Institute of Steel Construction presented their research at "Eurosteel 2023". Among other topics, the conference addressed metal 3D printing, advanced structural materials and artificial intelligence, and paid special attention to sustainability in steel construction, especially repair and reuse.

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